Butler Baracudas Swim Team

The Butler Barracudas season runs September-March. Team Registration will open late July and will close mid-September. Registration fees will depend on your child’s age and the number of days per week your child's group will practice.
Our coaching staff has a combined 30+ years of experience. We take pride in instilling the YMCA core values with our swimmers; caring, honesty, responsibility and respect in and out of the water. All members of the Butler YMCA Swim Team, as well as their parents and coaches, are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct. For more information visit our team website listed below.
Additional programs
- Test the Waters: Offered in the spring & fall, this program allows children to get a feel for swim team practices and skills. This program runs 3 days per week for 1 month.
- Jr. Barracudas: Offered all year round, this program is in conjunction with our group swim lessons. This program runs for 7 weeks and will provide children the opportunity to perfect their swim skills as prep for the swim team.
Butler Barracudas Coaching Staff
- Corrie Jones- Head Coach
- Frank Cicco Jr. – Assistant Coach
- Kelly Ostrowski- Assistant Coach
- Autumn Birch- Assistant Coach
Downloads & Links
- Team Website
- USAS Information
- Team Handbook (coming soon)
Contact Us
RESY Riptide Swim Team

Our competitive youth swim team participates in the Western Pennsylvania YMCA Swim League (WPYSL) and the Allegheny Mountain Swimming (AMS) LSC of USA Swimming. Participants must be a member of the Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA for the duration of the season.
For more information, please contact resyswimming@bcfymca.org.
Coaching Staff:
- Curtis Leach - Head Coach, Senior Division
- Jessica Narwold - Head Coach, Age Group Division
Swim Groups & Pricing
Novice Group:
Novice (formerly Blue) Group participants (8 & under) will be provided opportunities to experience competitive situations designed to develop and sharpen their competitive swimming skills. Novice goals include: Front start from the poolside then starting blocks, how to push off and streamline to flags with dolphin kick, while continuing to learn all 4 competitive strokes and how to practice with a team.
Swimmer Requirements: Must be able to swim 25 yards without assistance.
Meet Requirements: Competition in YMCA dual meets is encouraged. YMCA Novice Championships participation is required. USA Swimming membership & swim meet participation are optional for swimmers that have been with the program for 1+ year.
- Cost- $540
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday: Swim 6:00PM-7:00PM
Developmental Group:
The focus of Developmental (formerly Silver 1) Group (10 & under) is stroke-specific, honing each swimmer’s ability to compete with all four strokes. There is also an increase in interval swimming. Developmental goals are to swim a 100 IM legally, have consistent practice attendance, flip turns and racing. Competition in this group is strongly encouraged.
Swimmer Requirements: Must be able to swim 25 yards freestyle, 25 yards backstroke, have a legal breaststroke kick, and dive in the water.
Meet Requirements: YMCA Novice Championships participation is required for all 8 & unders. Qualifying for and participating in YMCA Silver Districts is the main goal. USA Swimming membership & swim meet participation are optional for swimmers that have been with the program for 1+ year.
- Cost- $570
- Monday: Swim 6:45PM-8:15PM
- Tuesday: Swim 7:45PM-7:00PM
- Wednesday: Swim 6:45PM-8:15PM
- Thursday: 5:45PM-7:00PM
Prep Group:
The Prep Group (formerly Silver 2) swimmers (8-12 yrs) focus on swimming all four strokes. This will prepare them to compete and succeed in swim meets throughout the season. The goals for Prep swimmers are legally swim all four strokes and strive towards the requirements for Junior group. Swimmers will become confident in reading a workout set on the board, reading a pace clock and understanding sendoffs.
Swimmer Requirements: Participants must be able to swim 50 yards freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly with an efficient kick. Competition is highly encouraged.
Meet Requirements: Qualifying for and participating in YMCA Silver Districts is the main goal. Many swimmers will be striving for the USA AMS Christmas Swim Meet and the YMCA District Meet, and obtaining qualification times respectively. In addition to YMCA Swim Meets, USA Swimming membership & swim meet participation are optional for swimmers that have been with the program for 1+ year.
- Cost- $780
- Monday: Dryland 6:00PM-6:30PM | Swim 7:00PM-8:15PM
- Tuesday: Swim 6:45PM-8:30PM
- Wednesday: Dryland 6:00PM-6:30PM | Swim 7:00PM-8:15PM
- Thursday: Swim 6:45PM-8:30PM
- Friday: Swim 6:45PM-8:30PM
Junior Group:
The Junior Group (formerly Black) is where swimmers (ages 10-14) continue to develop and learn body awareness in the water. The focus is on getting the swimmers to understand how they need to move the water during their pull in each stroke to be as efficient as possible while swimming. Junior is where swimmers begin to focus more on long-term success by creating good practice habits and setting goals for the season and beyond. We will ask some older swimmers to participate in our “BIG LITTLE Mentor Program” within the swim team. Practices involve warm-up, drills & skills, and an endurance-based “main set” and often a cool down. Participating in dryland, Strength & Conditioning programs are strongly recommended. Competition is highly encouraged.
Meet Requirements: Qualifying for and participating in USA AMS Christmas Swim Meet, YMCA Silver Districts, and qualifying and participating for the YMCA District Swim Meet will be the main goal for this group. In addition to YMCA Swim Meets, USA Swimming membership & swim meet participation are optional for swimmers that have been with the program for 1+ year.
- Cost- $780
- Monday: Swim 4:30PM-6:15PM; Dry Land 6:30PM-7:00PM
- Tuesday: Swim 4:30PM-6:15PM
- Wednesday: Swim 4:30PM-6:15PM; Dry Land 6:30PM-7:00PM
- Thursday: Swim 4:30PM-6:15PM
- Friday: Swim 4:30PM-6:15PM
Senior Group:
The Senior group (8th grade & under/ages 12-18) continues to focus on long-term success by practicing good habits and setting goals for the season and the future of swimming for the athlete, such as preparing for or keeping up with high school swimming and beyond. Practices involve a warm-up, drills and skills, an endurance-based “main set” and often a cool down. We will ask swimmers to participate in our “BIG LITTLE Mentor Program” within the swim team. Participating in dryland, Strength & Conditioning programs are strongly recommended. Competition is strongly recommended.
Meet Requirements: Qualifying for and participating in USA AMS Christmas Swim Meet, YMCA Districts, and qualifying and participating for the YMCA District Swim Meet and YMCA National Swim Meet will be the main goals for this group. In addition to YMCA Swim Meets, USA Swimming membership & swim meet participation are optional for swimmers that have been with the program for 1+ year.
- Cost- $780 (Middle School Age). $480 (High School Age)
- Monday: Swim 3:00PM-4:45PM; Dry Land 5:00PM-6:00PM
- Tuesday: Swim 3:00PM-4:45PM
- Wednesday: Swim 3:00PM-4:45PM; Dry Land 5:00PM-6:00PM
- Thursday: Swim 3:00PM-4:45PM
- Friday: Swim 3:00PM-4:45PM
- Saturday: Swim 5:30AM-7:30AM (as scheduled)
*Dryland schedule is tentative